02/07/25 - 6PM - Joker Poker - Round 3 - Jackpot: $1360.00
1712 S. Boone St. Aberdeen, WA 98520 | (360)532-2211
Joker Poker Rules

Last Revision: 04/11/24

How Does The Game Work?

On the board there are 53 envelopes labeled 1 through 53.  The envelopes contain a full deck of playing cards and one Joker.  Each week tickets are sold for $1.00 at the bar.  You put your name and your envelope number selection on the back of the ticket and throw it into the ticket tumbler.  Every Friday at 6PM, one ticket will be drawn.  The envelope number on the ticket will be opened in front of everyone to reveal the card hidden inside.  If that envelope contains the Joker, that person wins the jackpot.  If the Joker is not drawn, the ticket sales from that week will be added to the pot.  Ticket sales are allocated at the following percentages: 30% goes to the lodge’s causes, and 70% goes to the jackpot.  The value advertised as the jackpot is the 70%, the lodge’s 30% has already been deducted from the advertised value.  After the main drawing, there will be 3 additional drawings for smaller random secondary prizes.  At the end of the night all of the tickets from that week are discarded and new tickets will be sold throughout the week.  For clarity, this means when you buy a ticket, you only have a chance for that week’s drawings.  To continue to play the game you must purchase additional tickets each week before 6PM on Friday night.

The jackpot value of round 1 is the total of all ticket sales of the final round of the previous game.

Who Can Play

Current Aberdeen Elks Members & Spouses
Current Aberdeen Widows of Members
Current Aberdeen Associate Members (You must be an associate member prior to the launch of the current game, to be able to participate in the current game)
Current Aberdeen Elks LOE Members


How To Play – $1.00 Per Ticket

Put your real name, NO NICKNAMES, and the number of an available envelope on the ticket.  If the ticket that is drawn does not have an available number written on it, and the person whos name is written on the ticket is not present at time of drawing, then that ticket is VOID.  The drawing will continue next week.

Drawing is held every Friday at 6:00 PM – Tickets must be in the tumbler prior to 5:55 PM – Need not be present to win the jack pot

Tax Implications

If the jackpot is between $600.00 & $5000.00 we must report it to the IRS.

If the jackpot is over $5000.00 we will withhold 24% from the winnings.